Gas Price Usa Per Liter


Price Rankings by Country of Gasoline (1 liter) (Transportation) · 1. Hong Kong (China), $ · 2. Singapore, $ · 3. Switzerland, $ · 4. Finland, $. Gasoline prices, Octane, Aug The average price of gasoline around the world is U.S. Dollar per liter. However, there is substantial. Free gas price chart, price forecast and how to benefit from gas prices. l. Gasoline, 28/35, HDi. Turbo Diesel, 41/ Ford Focus, l. Gasoline, cost of a gallon of gasoline, said a spokesperson for AirInc. In a few Latin America and Middle-East nations, such as Venezuela and Saudi Arabia, oil is. Average Retail Fuel Prices in the United States ; Gasoline, , ; E85, , ; CNG, , ; LNG ; Propane*, ,

Compare gas and crude oil prices over time for the US Average, Canada Average, and your hometown. View charts for the past month to 10 years. United States Flag icon Average Regular Gas Price Comparison by State ; Oklahoma. ; Mississippi. ; Texas. ; Tennessee. US Retail Gas Price is at a current level of , down from last week and down from one year ago. Last prices from ; USD/US gal · USD/US gal ; USD/US gal · USD/US gal ; USD/US gal · USD/US gal. Fuel prices in America ; Gasoline , €, €, € ; Gasoline , €, €, € U.S. gas prices · Regular unleaded: $ · Mid-grade: $ · Premium: $ · Diesel: $ · E $ Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update ; U.S., , ; East Coast (PADD1), , ; New England (PADD1A), , Calculate how much it will cost: litres x $ = $ of gas. Important Notes. Note that vehicle fuel consumption is evaluated by the manufacturer. In. Pump price for gasoline (US$ per liter) - Saudi Arabia from The World Bank: Data. Today's average price of gas in the U.S. is $ per gallon, down $ from yesterday, $ from last week and $ from last month. Gasoline futures in the US rose above $ per gallon, rebounding from a seven-month low of $ on August 21st, driven by rising oil prices as a dovish.

The Exchange Fuel Prices ; Germany · Super, $ ; Netherlands · Super, $ ; Belgium · Excellium 95, Liters ; United Kingdom · E10 Unl, $ ; Turkey · Super. The current gasoline price in the USA is USD per liter and was updated on Aug For comparison, the average price of gasoline in the world is USD. Average Price: Gasoline, All Types (Cost per Gallon/ Liters) in U.S. City Average (APUA). Jul | U.S. Dollars | Monthly | Updated. Korea. Fuel Type, Per Gallon, Per Liter, +/-. Reg, $, $, -. Mid, $, $, -. Premium, $, $, -. Diesel, $, $, -. $/liter is about $/gallon, I think. The current U.S. average is $/gallon. Americans scream when it gets above $4/gallon. US Premium Retail Gasoline Prices is at a current level of , down from last week and down from one year ago. This is a change of %. Graph and download economic data for Average Price: Gasoline, Unleaded Regular (Cost per Gallon/ Liters) in U.S. City Average (APU) from Jan. Weekly U.S. Regular All Formulations Retail Gasoline Prices (Dollars per Gallon). How much gasoline cost in United States? · Gasoline Price in United States remained unchanged at USD/Liter in September The maximum price per litre.

The price of 1 liter (1/4 gallon) of gas in Los Angeles, California is $ This average is based on 9 price points. It can be considered reliable and. National average gas prices ; Current Avg. $, $ ; Yesterday Avg. $, $ ; Week Ago Avg. $, $ ; Month Ago Avg. $, $ Online calculator converting the cost of gasoline in Canada from cents per litre in Canadian dollars to dollars per Canadian Gallon, dollars per US Gallon. Related Links. ​ ​Terminolog​y. $/bbl: US dollars per barrel cts/gal: US cents per gallon $/mt: US dollars per metric ton. The Jet Fuel Price Monitor is a. Latest Surveyed Regular Grade Motor Gasoline Prices ; New York Statewide, ; Upstate New York, ; Downstate New York, ; New York City Metropolitan.

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